Beth Opila in her lab

Leading a Growing Research Program

The Office of Research and Innovation supports faculty research in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

The Office of Research and Innovation supports faculty research in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Our responsibilities include: 

  • Assisting and encouraging faculty in identifying and pursuing sponsored research funding 
  • Reviewing and submitting sponsored research proposals 
  • Ensuring that research is conducted in accordance with grant requirements, legal requirements and University policies and procedures 
  • Managing internal Engineering research funding programs 
  • Providing oversight to Engineering Core Facilities: Innovations in Fabrication (IFAB) and the Nanoscale Materials Characterization Facility (NMCF)
  • Supporting faculty in the translation and commercialization of research 
  • Serving as a liaison with the Office of the Vice President for Research and other units across the University that support faculty research 
  • Working with the Engineering Research Advisory Council on matters related to development and promotion of research within the school, including strategic opportunities, research innovation awards, research training and resources, and the biennial research retreat

How do I ...

  • Find funding opportunities?

    Learn about funding discovery tools to create searches and automated alerts. Meet with us to brainstorm for opportunities that fit your interests.

  • Get help developing a proposal?

    Learn about grant brewing sessions and proposal development materials. Contacts us for help developing early career proposals and center-level efforts.

  • Submit a proposal?

    Get help creating budgets, completing sponsor forms, and routing proposals for institutional approval.

  • Get help managing my grant?

    Learn about tools for viewing your grant balances. Get help submitting project changes requests.

  • Get help with commercializing my research?

    Contact us to learn about protecting an invention or translating your research.

  • Execute a non-funded agreement, like a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

    Email for assistance with non-funded agreements such as a Data Use Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement, or Material Transfer Agreement.

Office Contacts

Brian L. Smith, PE

Professor Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Associate Dean for Research

Brian L. Smith, PE is a leader in advanced technology in surface transportation systems - specifically "connecting" the infrastructure to travelers to improve transportation safety and efficiency. His research has contributed to innovations such as mobile phone navigation systems and urban freeway management.

David Chen

Managing Director, Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research Assistant Dean for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships, UVA Engineering Instructor, Biomedical Engineering

David Chen is the founding managing director of the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at the University of Virginia. He holds a Master of Science in Cell and Developmental Biology from Rutgers University/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and an MBA from UVA’s Darden School of Business.

Stephen Cornelison

Director of Engineering Research Administration

Jeffrey J. Fox, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for Research