Group of students and professor talking in a lab

Clark Scholars

More About Us

  • History and Vision

    The Clark Scholars Program was established in 2017 within UVA’s School of Engineering and Applied Science through support from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation and the Bicentennial Scholars Fund from the University of Virginia. Clark Scholars leave UVA with a legacy of success and go out into the world as leaders in the engineering and business community. The initial cohort of 16 scholars started in the summer of 2018, and over the next seven years, as the Clark Scholars endowment grows, the program will expand to a target enrollment of 60-75 scholars at its peak.

  • Our Goals

    UVA Engineering's Clark Scholars Program Goals include:

    • 3.4+ GPA upon graduation
    • 100 percent graduation rate
    • 100 percent post-graduate placement in job or graduate school
    • Completion of Business Certificate
    • Engagement in industry work or academic research experience
    • Participation in service and leadership development
Group of students standing on the steps of a building posing for a photo

UVA Clark Scholars Program

The A. James Clark Scholars Program at the University of Virginia provides unique educational and financial opportunities to exceptional students from populations traditionally underserved in STEM fields, such as women, racial and ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, first-generation college students and students from rural or densely urban areas.

Current Scholars

56 Total number of current scholars

61% Scholars from Virginia

34% Scholars are 34% First-generation college student

55% Scholars are women