Research @ UVA Engineering
Engineering for the Cyber FutureOur researchers are not merely reacting to the cyber age, we are catalyzing it. Machine learning, cybersecurity, high performance computing, intelligent memory systems, avalanche photodiodes, ultra-low-power chips: These are just some of the technologies essential to such next-generation projects as the Internet of Things and 100 Gbps Ethernet, and they are just some of the areas in which UVA Engineering holds world-class expertise.
The Power of Power
Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering’s Link Lab are creating sustainable hardware to power sensor networks. Their work will help make a future trillion-device IoT possible.
Batteryless Sensors Empower People with Information and Insight
Calhoun was recently elected Fellow of IEEE for his original and fundamental contributions in integrated circuit design.
Defenseless: UVA Engineering Computer Scientists Discover Vulnerability Affecting Computers Globally
Computing experts thought they developed adequate security patches after the 2018 worldwide Spectre flaw, but UVA’s discovery shows processors are open to hackers again.
A Data Science Student’s Algorithm Has the NFL’s Full Attention
Alex Stern, who graduated in May with degrees in quantitative statistics and computer science, was a finalist at the Big Data Bowl, a National Football League-sponsored analytics competition for students.