Research @ UVA Engineering
Engineering For HealthUVA Engineering is co-located with the top-ranked UVA School of Medicine and UVA Health System, and our culture values and rewards collaboration and initiative.
Biomedical Engineering Alumni and AgroSpheres Co-Founders Share Lessons in Ag Biotech
Classmates Payam Pourtaheri and Ameer Shakeel tell AgroSpheres’ story, from class project to agricultural technology no one else was doing — and what they learned along the way.
Hear How These Health Innovators Avoid Getting ‘Lost in Translation’
In its debut podcast, the Coulter Center for Translational Research highlights health-care innovators at UVA and beyond who are translating scientific discoveries into tangible healthcare solutions.
A Research Hat Trick
When an athlete scores three times in a single game, it's called a hat trick. If scientific research had hat tricks, Janes would have fans screaming in the stands.