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Rohan Chandra is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. Previously, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in Texas Robotics, advised by Dr. Joydeep Biswas and Dr. Peter Stone, at the University of Texas, Austin. His research focuses on algorithms and systems for enabling robots to navigate safely and efficiently among humans, like humans. Rohan obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in 2018 and 2022 from the University of Maryland advised by Dr. Dinesh Manocha, and completed his B. Tech from the Delhi Technological University, New Delhi in 2016. His doctoral thesis focused on autonomous driving in dense, heterogeneous, and unstructured traffic environments. Rohan is a 2021 UMD Future Faculty Fellow, 2022 RSS Pioneer, 2023 Microsoft Future Leader in Robotics and AI, and 2023 KAUST Rising Star in AI. He is a finalist for the 2022 Charles A. Caramello Distinguished Dissertation Award, UMD Innovation of the Year Award and a recipient of the 2024 Drones Young Investigator Award and the 2023 SNU PhD Award for Autonomous Navigation. Rohan is also currently serving as an Associate Editor for RA-L.


Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2022

M.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2018

B.Tech. Delhi Technological University, 2016

Research Interests

Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Multi-Robot Systems


Drones Young Investigator Award 2024
Seoul National University (SNU) Ph.D. Talk Award 2023
Charles A. Caramello Distinguished Dissertation Award (finalist) 2023
Rising Stars in AI Symposium at KAUST (declined) 2023
UMD Innovation of the Year Award (finalist) 2022, 2021
RSS Pioneers 2022