By  Computer Science

Dr. He Tian has joined as vice president and the head of JD Logistics AI and Data Science, in charge of smart logistics algorithms, data products, and map services. Dr. He's team will build dedicated, intelligent algorithms and systems for supply chain and logistics scenarios, which will further digitalize JDL's current businesses and open up commercial applications for more external clients. Tian earned his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Virginia in 2004. Read the announcement.The five-year, $561,000 grant, titled “CAREER: Toward Embedding Perpetual Intelligence into Ultra-Low-Power Sensing and Inference Systems,” will support his continued research on making small, portable, resource-constrained, embedded systems capable of sensing, learning, adapting, and evolving over an extended period of time.
More details on this award can be found on the NSF website.
Nirjon joined the UNC Department of Computer Science in 2015. Prior to joining UNC, he was a research scientist at Hewlett-Packard Labs. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in computer science and engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Virginia.